
பெற்றோர் சிட்சிக்கும் பிள்ளைகள்

September 16 “Discipline your son while there is hope, and do not desire his death.” (Prov. 19:18 NASB) We live in a permissive society. Especially in the area of child-training, people listen to the advice of psychologists and sociologists rather than to the teachings of God’s Word. Many adults who were brought up by parents…


கிறிஸ்துவின் தொடர்பினால் உண்டாகும் பிரகாசம்

September 13 “Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with him.” (Ex. 34:29 NASB) When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments, there were two remarkable features. First of all, his face shone. He had been in the presence of…